Friday, April 24, 2009

I've Been Secant You For a While

Wow. I'm sorry it has taken so long to post. For the past few weeks, homework, and drum major have been on my schedule. And in the event in which I don't have to do anything for either of those, I'm usually caught napping. =D

So lets see....before spring break is about where I left off. I'll try to cover some big, or interesting(At least to Me) events that has happened.
Solo/Ensemble Festival 2009 --- It was really awesome. I wish I could have seen more performances, but I helped the whole day as a runner/bouncer. Good experience, but I think I prefer to be the performer in that case....Congrats to everyone. You all did GREAT. =D

Spring Break was spent very well indeed. =] Over the course of a week, I went to see Knowing (I don't suggest seeing it. It's not great acting and it's just really depressing), hung out with my friends, rode bikes in Newport, and hung out with a really old friend who came to visit from Florida. It went by faster than I had really wanted it to, but it was nice to get back into the routine of school. (Except the HW) Here are some of the pics from the beach.

my mom and aunt being silly.
In case you can't read the flag it says,

"Wine a Bit. You'll Feel Better"

Julia and her Dad. =]

Julia, Me, and Pris

Look at the Sand Dunes! HAH

I got sand in my band-aid though. ='[

Priscila and I climbed out on those was actually really scary!

(But oh soooo pretty on the end.)

Feet picture! =]
Mine is the one with the blue toenails.

So besides that, I can't really remember much. My mind is fuzzy. I think it's been taken over by memorizing Art History and Chemistry equations. School has been School, and I'm really ready for it to be over already. gosh! About a month left I'm pretty excited.

Right now I should be studying for the AP Chem, or working on my routine for drum major (What with the tryouts being next wednesday and all...) but I need to blog. It's ridiculous.

So I thought I would add this pic to this post simply because I think it is cool. Maybe I'm immature because I like it, frankly I don't care. HAha, I made it at lunch a few weeks ago. I guess I can say its Aesthetically Pleasing. =D And there is something in me where I have a big urge to draw faces on fruit. (I can give credit to my tenoras for that)

We have a upcoming concert for QHHS. I'm kind of excited for it. Not too happy about some of the pieces we'll be playing, but I think it will be nice. (I hope) May 5th. Wooh, in honor of Cinco de Mayo, McQ will be having us play a 'Zacatecas March' I just hope it goes well.

I wish I was in Senora Rocca's spanish class. =[ Then I can make salsa on Cinco de Mayo again.

Band trip is coming up, and i'm getting rather afraid. Partly because i'll be farther than I have ever been from my family, partly because I don't remember what flying in an airplane was like ( Last time I did, I was 6), but mostly because my ears have horribly functioning Eustachian tubes which will not allow my ear to equalize pressure changes. I'm going in to the doctors on Monday, and possibly getting a procedure where they drill a hole in my ear to help the pressure. I'm not quite sure what it is all about exactly, but it should help with the pressure change during the plane flight. I hope all goes well. Mrs. LeBeau kinda freaked me out....

So math has gotten pretty cool I suppose. We're in sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot graph functions. At first I didn't like it, but I have changed my mind over the past few days. I hope you like the title of the post....If you want to be a nerd, use this little mathematical pick-up line. HAH, tell me if you do, and if actually works for you.

Well, i'm off to a busy weekend of drum major practice, family get-togethers, sweet 16s, and lots of AP Chem/Art History work. Oh joy. =]

Have a nice weekend everyone!


1 comment:

Julia said...

I like those pictures from the beach. The sand dunes one is nice, no matter how forced it was. Ha, I like how you guys wrote my name in the sand, when I wasn't even there... Good job.

Aw, Rocca. I miss that class too. Ha, our salsa was pretty disgusting though...