These aren't my snowmen, my friends made these, but I thought they were pretty cute! =D
It seems a little late to discuss this, but my Quince was at the end of November. It turned out to be AMAZING. It was everything I wanted it to be and more. I am so thankful for everything. Thank You to everyone who came, participated, helped, anything...I loved it. I hope everyone had a good time. =] I got the DVD and photos(all 343 of them) back, but I havn't been able to distribute them due to lack of funds. =/ By the end of January, anyone who wants copies will have one. If you don't want them, then you are more than welcome to just come over and see them at my house. =]
With my lazy days this winter break, I've become addicted to one more TV show. CSI. (Crime Scence Investigation) I'm not quite sure why, but it entertains me...considering its rahther corny how they ALWAYS find just the right evidence. =/ Eventhough I've seen millions of episodes, it does not compare to my obsession with House. I guess once school starts up again, they will have to be recorded and watched when I have free time...(hah).
Every wonder about the difference in size of an electron with a human?
Well, I'm hoping everyone had a very Merry Christmas/Happy Hannukah/Happy Kwanza! This year seemed to just go by so fast....
Well, I'm ready for second semmester whether I made it into Wind Ensemble or Band P.E. =/ I did horrible with my audition for Wind Ensemble, so no surprise. This year's marching band wasn't too bad. We got Grand Champs at AV, but we were just .78 away from Palmdale's Grand Champ. That makes me feel guilty because although I didn't mess up, I could have performed a whole heck of a lot better. Ah, there is always next year. (That should be a band motto with the number of times i've heard it...)
Since the last time I've posted, I have seen two movies in theatres. Marley and Me and Four Christmases. I would have to say, I liked both very much. As for the winner, it would have to be Marley and Me. I sure cried way more than I wanted to at the end though! Its due to my family's strong strong love of animals that is established inside of me....Anyways, I definately recommend seeing those!
On that note, this will be my last post of 2008. I want to wish everyone good health and luck in the New Year! Don't forget to have a designated driver because I know everyone who reads my blog gets wasted at parties.... anyways....HAPPY NEW YEAR!
~Marc-UH! ♥♥