Thursday, June 5, 2008


Ah, fourth day of summer vacation and i'm bored out of my mind. At least i've kept a somewhat occupied schedule. I can only imagine how lonely i'll be for the next few weeks while my brother is at summer school for AVID. =[ That means i'm home alone for the next several weeks....

Ah, I've started summer reading for the Pre-IB program, and I have to say I like these selections of books way better than last summers assigned book, Lord of the Flies. I've finished one of the books today, and I plan to finish the other soon. I guess our assignment is to take notes on them, but since I prefer reading through a book and enjoying it, I'm going to read them both again and then take notes. =] I'll have plenty of time this summer to do that.

I'm pretty happy with how my club soccer team is reviving from the hole we were falling into. Although we lost half our team, we have now successfully purged our not-so-good trainer and have found an EXCELLENT one instead. Although our new trainer, Ruben is awesome, he is pretty strict and he likes to make us condition. And boy, does he like conditioning. Our first practice with him (Tuesday) was pretty long. He made us run like 6 miles, and for our out of shape team, that was a lot. Otherwise, I think by August our team will be ready for season, and i'll be in a better shape to try out for the school team. =] (If my school work and band priorities will let me of course)

Well yesterday was pretty fun. I spent almost half the day at Julia's house, and Priscila came over too. After watching two very different movies, Edward Scissorhands and 27 Dresses, playing The Game of LIFE along with some rounds of Jenga, we had an AWESOME time. After Priscila left, me and Julia baked brownies and quizzed each other on 5th grade material, while looking through old yearbooks and listening to Five Iron Frenzy. So ya, it was really fun. =D

I guess I never realized how many Latino friends I had until all of a sudden I get all these QuinceaƱera invites. Being half Mexican, I was given the decision whether to have a QuinceaƱera or a Sweet 16. I chose the Sweet 16 instead, because then I can just celebrate it with my twin, Tito. Otherwise, this summer, my brother and I have some parties to go to (and dance in! =D) and I'm really looking forward to them!

Well, I'm going to go hydrate myself for soccer practice! Talk to everyone soon!



Josh said...

Edward scissorhands- you know Danny Elfman did the musical score for that? Just FYI/cool trivia about next years field show...

Good luck with the soccer. Sounds pretty intense, I'm sure you'll do just fine.

Julia said...

Thanks for coming over. You're not picky, I like it. Even if you are snobbish-ly rich. I had a brownie today... It was kinda gross... I've been doing summer reading. Taking notes too. Trying... Oh well. Okay, see you Monday!! (Ahh, what losers!)

Tiffany said...

hi there, remember me?

anyways, the curious incident of the dog in the nighttime (i think that's what it's called) is one of the best summer reading books you'll ever read. That and the Great Gatsby. :)

Have fun with soccer. I'm sure you'll have tons of fun. :)
