Monday, March 3, 2008

Monday/Lunes/Lundi = UGLY

Ah. The end of monday has finally come. Well, I can say, it wasn't a very enjoyable monday. But when is monday ever enjoyable?

I'm a bit frustrated right now, I'm trying to burn a copy of I-Empire from Angels and Airwaves onto my iTunes, but of course, it's not working. My blog won't let me change my display picture either. But hey, I shouldn't sweat the small stuff.

I'm pretty excited for Solo/Ensemble, however, I don't feel so confident with our clarinet's not all the way together, and i'm starting to freak. Monochrome however sounds pretty good. I think once we speed up the 16th notes we can call it done. idk. i'm only a freshman.

I'm tired, but bored. I don't want to go to bed =P Hah, waaaaay to much to think about. I'm probably gonna just babble, and say random stuff. I came on here to post on my blog, but once again i've forgotten what I was going to say.

I've always wondered about people who test jelly bean flavors for a job. I don't know if it is one, but i'd be pretty interesting. The Harry Potter jelly beans are pretty...unique....They have all those flavors (vomit, spaghetti, grass,etc.) I don't know if you have ever tried one, or if you want to, but the flavors are pretty close to the real thing. =P Gross.

Ahh, seeing as I have nothing to do, or post, I should just get to bed. I don't know why I'm up now, I should be sleeping. Well...I think it's good night for now! I hope everyone has a GREAT week, although i'm not to sure mine will be anything great....

Good Night!


Julia said...

trio... not good. i'm nervous. saturday practice? i hope we can do that. yea, let's plan for that. like... all day at my house. unless melissa has a softball game... ugh! i just don't really want to deal with it anymore. i agree... bad monday. the only thing i liked about it was getting 95% on that history test. yes, i had the opportunity to brag, so i took it. sorry...

Sheena said...

Oh gosh those Harry Potter jelly beans are...challenging.

Yay for monochrome!

Mondays are challenging as well.

See ya later at Clarinet Choir!!! Hope we get some classical music soon...